Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a long-term strategy to ensure the organic (read *free*) discovery of your brand when people are searching for specific terms related to commercial real estate.
SEO can be confusing, we get it, but leave it to us, all you need to worry about is that if someone goes onto Google and types “office space for lease in Scanton, Pennsylvania", the space you have available comes up at the top of the Search Results page.
We make sure that the content you produce, and all technical elements of your website are optimized to ensure you rank for the terms that are going to get qualified traffic to your website.

The best things (organic traffic to your website) in life are free.
- Mark Kalkwarf

Search Engine Optimization Audit
Competitor Research and Audits
Website Optimization
Backlink Strategy Development and Management
Keyword Research and Search Volume
Ongoing Content Optimization

It’s a long game but ultimately, it’s “free” qualified traffic to your website.
The more attention you spend on SEO, the less you’ll need to spend on paid.
Who doesn’t want to rank higher than their competitors?